White Hats

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It’s easy to be disgusted…especially if you consume corporate media.  And unfortunately—that includes the corporate conservative media, who would rather allow the DC Media, aka the New York Times and the Washington Post, lead them around by the nose— than even attempt to create and maintain an #AmericaFirst narrative.

Recently the corporate conservative media showered FREE publicity on Republican CA Gubernatorial Candidate Bruce ‘the mental patient’ Jenner, AKA a man that wears women’s clothes… yet despite the mountains of free publicity, the Tranny pulled only 6% support in a recent poll of California voters.

Jenner had the lowest support among the Republican candidates polled, as compared with 22% for former San Diego Mayor Kevin Faulconer and businessman John Cox.

But the other Republican men running are not freak shows that wear ladies underwear— so good luck finding any positive media for them.

Eyes are opening.  The people are ignoring the media….except for nuts and blue checkmarks on Twitter and Facebook.

Sadly the ‘corporate conservative media’ are part of the media echo chamber, and just as impotent as the DC GOP.   They go along to get along— because that’s their job.

This is why Independent media has become crucial to spreading the truth.  And why Intellectual Froglegs has a segment in the show saluting many of our counterparts in the Independent Media.

Support Your Favorite Independent Media.


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